
Agency for Health Care Administration – FloridaHealthFinder.gov 

Statewide facility and provider information for nursing homes, assisted living facilities, adult day care, etc.

Sheriff Department Services


Peace Of Mind

Sumter County residents a free service called "Peace Of Mind". This service is for any resident who would like to have the peace of mind that someone is willing to receive their call each weekday and to know that someone will check on them if they do not call in. The call-takers for the "Peace Of Mind" Line are Sheriff's Office Volunteers who man our Sheriff's Annexes. Once enrolled in the service you will be issued an identification number and asked to call us each weekday morning between 9 AM and noon.

If we do not hear from you by noon, we will call you or a contact person that you have designated to check in on you. If no contact is made then a deputy will be dispatched by our Communications Center to your residence to check on your welfare.

Contact: (352) 689-4600


Vial of Life

The "Vial Of Life" program is designed to provide needed information to emergency personnel in situations where you are unable to do so. The information in the vial should include medical history, medications and dosage, doctor's name, emergency contact numbers, hospital preference, and other information.


Theresa Cooper at the Villages District Office (352) 689-4600
Beth Hunt at SCSO Headquarters in Wildwood (352) 569-1600


Human Scent Preservation Kit

provide the Sumter County Sheriff's Office with a powerful tool to assist us with finding lost family members and friends. This kit will hold a human scent for 7 years and DNA for 6 months.


Villages District Office (352) 689-4600
SCSO Headquarters in Wildwood (352) 569-1600


DREAM Program

Through the Sumter County Sheriff’s office free GPS type tracking devices are available for FREE to those caregivers who may need assistance caring for loved ones who may become disoriented or wander away. The devices comes in 2 forms, either a watch with a lockable clasp (click watch to learn more) or a smaller device that can be attached to an article of clothing or shoes (click smaller device to learn more). Both have been thoroughly tested for reliability and ease of us. This link will provide the application for the GPS device. Once completed, you can either bring it to the Care office for us to help, or you can send it directly to the Sheriff’s department. We are excited to find out about this extremely helpful device that may give you further piece of mind!

Fill out the application below for either device. You can either drop off the application at the Care Office or at the Sheriff’s Office (address on application).

Florida Department Services


Emergency Management  

State Assistance Information Line - A toll-free hotline (888-895-7873) that provides accurate and up-to-date information regarding an emergency or disaster situation impacting the State of Florida. The information includes road closures and alternate routes, open shelters including for special needs patients, hotels and motels that accept pets, and instructions for boaters for moving watercraft to safer ground.


Transportation – Safe Mobility For Life Program 

A program that encourages the safety and mobility of the aging road user to help reduce fatalities and serious injuries.


Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles

  • Disabled Persons Parking Permits – Information for those with short and long term mobility impairments, and those that have been certified as legally blind by a medical professional.

  • Florida Granddriver Program – Educational resources for the older driver that includes: driver’s license renewal and options, medical reviews for someone who is unsafe to drive, and mature driver insurance discount courses.


Elder Affairs – Elder Helpline – 866-413-5337

An information line manned by Information and Referral Specialist, and maintained by the Aging and Disability Resource Centers around the state that connects seniors to various services within their respective communities.