“Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study”

This is a general survey of the entire Bible and is a prerequisite to the other studies. The class will cover approximately 70 percent of the Bible. It is divided into two segments: the Old Testament and the New Testament.


“Into The Word Into The World”

This intensive study is divided into four segments. Each of the books of Genesis, Exodus, Luke, and Acts are studied for eight weeks.


“Remember Who You Are”

This study is divided into two segments. The first half concentrates on the books of the prophets and the second half on Paul’s letters.


“Under The Tree of Life”

This study covers both Old and New Testament writings. In the Old Testament the books of Ruth, Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Lamentations, and Daniel are studied. In the New Testament the Gospel of John; First, Second, and Third John; James; Jude; and Revelation are covered.

Invitation to John

The invitation from Christ is: "Come and see. Follow me." Experience the magnificent passages in John including the “I am” statements (“I am the truth, the life, and the way,” “I am the living water,” and more). Revisit stories only told in John's gospel including Nicodemus, Mary Magdalene, and the raising of Lazarus.

Invitation to Romans

Exploring how people have interpreted Romans through the ages is a good lens to view the history of Christianity itself. Compare what Paul writes in Romans to what theologians like Augustine, Luther and Calvin say in trying to understand Paul in their time. At the end of this study your group will have a more informed commitment to Paul's radical vision of God's relationship to both Christians and Jews and to their relationship to each other, thanks to the "love of God in Christ Jesus

Jesus In The Gospels

Jesus In The Gospels takes participants deeper into Scripture as they look up and compare passages and make notes on them. Examining different accounts of the same or similar material brings richness and texture to study. Occasional words, phrases, or sentences printed in different colors will aid quick visual comparison of similarities and differences in Gospel accounts.